Get Someone To Set All Your Appointments

Appointment Setters

Remove The Stress of Cold Calling

Let our team handle the calls for you so that you can focus on closing more sales for your business! Whether they are inbound, outbound or cold calls, let our experts help you scale.

Increase Sales With Appointment Setters

We’ve helped companies close 8.3X more business using our appointment setters. See why companies choose Stealth Agents to help them close more!

Spend More Time Closing Than Prospecting

Most businesses spend 80% of their time prospecting and only 20% of their time closing! Imagine if you can spend 100% of the time just closing more clients than finding new prospects!

Why Clients
Love Our Appointment Setters

Real time stats

See how many calls are coming in and going out in real time. You can always check your numbers.

Extra responsive

Your team will be extremely responsive with any requests that you will make.

Top 1% Vetted Agents

We ensure that you’re getting the top English speaking appointment setters that can converse fluently!

Campaign Manager

You will also receive a campaign manager free of charge to ensure agent’s performance are met.

Optimized Sales

Our performance improvement plan, continually improves and optimizes your performance!

Reach Your Sales Goals

Let us help you reach your sales goals and scale your operation with our appointment setters today!

What do appointment setters do?

Appointment setters are responsible for keeping businesses busy and making money. They work with appointment schedulers to find a time slot for a customer’s appointment, and then they call or email the customer to confirm the appointment.
The person who makes the appointment will then make sure the customer knows where to go and what to bring. They may also have to call or email customers after an appointment to remind them of things like unpaid bills or canceled appointments.
Appointment setters are important to any business because, without them, there would be no one to fill in when an appointment setter is out sick or on vacation. Without staff members in charge of making appointments, many businesses would have no one left to do these jobs!

What are appointment setters?

Appointment setters are people who get paid to set up appointments. Most of the time, it’s their job to make sure that a company has enough qualified leads to meet the needs of its clients.
What people who make appointments do:
Get in touch with potential customers and ask them if they’re available. They’ll tell you more about what products or services might help them solve their problem.
Follow up if you don’t hear back from the first contact to see if an appointment can be set up before you try to contact someone else. If so, check in with both parties again after the appointment to see how things went (the customer and your company).

How to hire reliable appointment setters?

You want appointment setters who can be trusted and who will be there when you need them. Make sure the person who sets up your appointments is organized, pays attention to details, is energetic, and is good with people and the phone. Avoid setting appointments with people who don’t show up on time for their meetings or phone calls. The best way to tell if someone would make a good appointment setter is to watch how they talk to potential clients about scheduling services like yours for the first time, whether in person or over the phone.

Make sure that the people who set up appointments know about your business and the services you offer. They should be able to answer basic questions without having to look in a book or on a website. The person who makes appointments for your business needs to know everything about it, including names, locations, prices, products or services offered, and how to reach you in case an appointment needs to be canceled. They should also be familiar with all local rules that apply to businesses like yours. When hiring new appointment setters, don’t forget that they must have great customer service skills, even if it’s just over the phone.
It might take some time, but when you need help setting up appointments, you should hire someone who knows what the company needs from them and can do all of their appointment setter tasks with ease.

Don’t forget that making appointments is its own job! Even if it’s just over the phone, the person you hire to set up appointments must have great customer service skills. After all, they are representing your company when they schedule appointments for potential clients, so make sure they know how to answer questions about pricing, products/services offered, and contact information in case an appointment needs to be canceled. They should also be familiar with the local rules that govern businesses like yours. You want someone who will represent your business well and never lose sight of what’s important: good customer service from people who know their stuff.

Appointment Setter Skills

But no matter how good you or your team are at setting up appointments, there will always be ways to get better. The following five tips can help you get better at making appointments:
*Ask this person if they have enough time on their schedule during these hours when they’re free.
*Give them a time slot that is closer than what they asked for (e.g., “I have openings from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.”)
*They should call back when it’s convenient for them and ask if it’s still available.
*Talk to someone in the company who can set up an appointment for you.
*Offer to set up a time and then call back 15 minutes later to let them know about some more open times.
The job of the person who sets up meetings is to do so without knowing who they are talking to or what the meeting is about.
The person who makes appointments needs to be a real professional who will treat the process with enthusiasm and respect.
Appointment Setters need to find ways to stand out and keep their clients by changing their approach every time they call someone. If they don’t, they risk becoming boring and losing their clients. The better you are at making appointments, the more likely it is that you will do well.

Outbound Sales

Setting up appointments is a key part of any outbound sales team. They are in charge of getting in touch with potential customers and setting up appointments that either lead to a sale or don’t lead to a sale. But what does it take to be a successful appointment setter? They need to follow these five tips to be successful!
First, when you talk on the phone with potential clients, you should always use your best voice. Prospects will know that you want their business and can help them get more chances in life if you speak clearly and with confidence. The second tip is to not leave out details when talking about the features or benefits of the products or services your company offers. Don’t be scared if a prospect asks you a question. Third, it’s important for people who set up appointments not to give up when they call a prospect and they say no thanks or that they don’t have time for the appointment.
Fourth, appointment setters need to work with sales reps to learn more about potential clients so they can better guess what kinds of products, services, features, and benefits might interest them the most. Fifth, you should always keep in touch with past customers after an appointment without asking them for anything in return at the first point of contact. You never know who will become your next customer.

Inbound sales is when you make it easier for your appointment setter by putting them in touch with the right person at your company. For example, if they call about an HR issue and you have an HR team that handles those issues, transfer the call to that department instead of giving them someone from general customer service. Inbound sales also includes following up with people who tried to call but couldn’t reach anyone. Make sure these customers know what’s going on or let them know when someone will be available to talk to them so they don’t feel like their time was wasted or they were ignored. And finally, do something small to show your appreciation. For example, you could send them literature about something related to their question.

Setting up times for potential clients is one of the most important parts of setting up appointments. When planning meetings with potential clients, it’s best to think about who they’ll be meeting with and when, not just what day or time works for them. Once you have an idea, call to make an appointment and make sure the person you’re talking to has all the important information: date, time, name of company being visited, location (including city), and contact info if there’s a phone number on their website (or other online presence). It might seem like too much, but it saves a lot of back-and-forth trying to figure out which one your prospect wants.
If someone in your office takes care of calls ahead of time, this part can go pretty quickly. If not, your appointment setter should make the call. There are some great templates for making appointments that you can download and use for free.
The key is to be ready so you don’t leave anything up in the air or get off track when you’re on the phone with someone who might not want to talk about what you were supposed to talk about in the first place. It also makes it less likely that mistakes will be made when making appointments. No one wants to show up for an appointment only to find that they are too early, too late, or even in the wrong place because there was confusion about where their appointment should be.
If we think back to our earlier example, where we set up a meeting between two people from company A and company B, we’ll need to make sure that the person who set up the appointment has all of this information.
Then, if there’s someone who can handle calls ahead of time, you could say, “Please make an appointment for Jane with Person X on Thursday at 11 a.m.” or “Please reschedule John’s appointment because his flight was canceled.” But if you are setting up an appointment over the phone yourself, just use your best judgment about what needs to be in it.
There are many ways to set up appointments, but knowing what information you need before you call and how to communicate all that information can make a huge difference in how well your appointments go!

The insurance sales business is very competitive, so appointment setters have to be proactive. They have to call potential customers at the right time, make the most of the time they have set aside for appointments, and close the deal when the customer is on the line.
Here are five tips for success from some of the best-selling professionals in setting up appointments:
Follow up well so you don’t lose touch with people over time. Set up reminders on your calendar or use an online service like Salesforce to keep track of who needs to be called or emailed again and when. This way, if someone doesn’t respond within 24 hours, it’s easy to send them another email because it’s been more than enough time since you last contacted them (salespeople often think everyone has more time to respond than they actually do).
Act in a businesslike and friendly way. Setting up appointments is a relationship business, so make sure you treat your potential customer well at every step, from the first phone call or email to the follow-up calls after the appointment. Your client will know if you didn’t like talking to them by how often you contact them (too often) and when it’s appropriate for another outreach attempt based on where they are in the appointment conversion cycle.
Take some time to figure out what your prospects want. If you don’t know the prospect’s business, why they need appointment setting services, and why they want to hire a company like yours, it will be hard to make an appointment with them at a time that works for you instead of when they are available.
Answer the phone or email when prospects call back or write back. Follow up with every lead who has responded to you so they know you’re interested in working together, even if they don’t seem ready for an appointment right away.
*Keep track of set appointments and follow-ups made during the appointment cycle. This includes sending emails or making phone calls before the scheduled meeting time, following up after the appointment (keeping records), and getting in touch again if necessary based on the prospect’s response.
This blog post gives five tips for appointment setters who want to do well in the tough business of selling insurance. They include being professional and friendly, taking the time to understand prospects’ needs before setting up appointments with them, following up effectively so you don’t lose contacts over time, monitoring and tracking appointment setters as well as follow-ups made during the appointment cycle (e.g., sending emails/calls before the scheduled meeting time; following up after the appointment).

Incoming calls can be annoying and take up a lot of time, but they are necessary. Outbound appointment setters often have to call clients who just signed up for an appointment or called with questions about their account. The need for empathy is the best way that outbound appointment setters may be different from other types of agents. Some of these customers won’t know what kind of treatment they’ll get yet, so it’s important to ask them if there’s anything in particular they want to talk about before setting up the appointment. For example, if someone has just been told they have breast cancer, this would be a good thing to talk about when setting up an appointment. Instead of just looking at your calendar and picking a time that works, talk about what you want to talk about.
The person making the appointment should also try to make it easy to get to. The customer might not know what times work best, so it’s a good idea to ask what days and times are available to see if there are any that work better. When making appointments, it may seem like you’re just trying to find any time that works for you, but you also want to make sure this doesn’t cause trouble for the client. Remember, most of these people are calling because they’ve been told they have breast cancer. Because it’s so important to take care of their needs and give great service, we shouldn’t have to work hard at all to find appointment times.
But before making an appointment, it’s important for the person making the appointment to know exactly what kind of appointment is needed. For example, if someone has been told they have breast cancer and want to get a mammogram on Wednesday at noon but you only offer appointments from Monday to Friday at different times, this would be a great time to suggest something else. If you don’t offer those services or there’s no other place nearby that does, we can work together to find one that does.
When setting up initial consultations, I’ve found myself asking things like, “What treatments are you interested in?” and “How many people will be coming?” and even just talking about how someone might feel before meeting my staff for the first time.
We want appointment setters to be an important part of our team, so we’re looking for people with great communication skills, empathy, and a willingness to be flexible. But you can always learn more about making appointments, so take a few minutes to read this article or get in touch with us at Norofiy if you have any questions!

Many salespeople and people who set up appointments ask, “Can appointment setters bring me customers?” Yes, that’s the answer. But for your appointment setting to work, you need three things: a strong value proposition, an attractive offer or package that makes the customer stand out from competitors with similar products or services, and good follow-up by phone or email after each contact.
A strong value proposition: explain how your product or service meets their needs.
An attractive offer or package that sets the customer apart from competitors with similar products or services.
Good follow-up after each contact by phone or email
The job of the appointment setter is to get salespeople appointments. They can’t sell anything themselves, but they help by setting up meetings that a salesperson wouldn’t have been able to do on their own. Appointment setters may be responsible for calling people and setting up interviews or showings, but they don’t need to be good at public speaking or sales as long as they know how to present information about your company in an organized way.
Appointment When it comes to getting customers into stores, setters should think of themselves more as customer service reps than door-to-door salesmen. This will help your business get a lot of repeat customers.
A good person in charge of making appointments will make sure that every possible client gets the same care and attention.
Appointment setters are often seen as a last resort for getting new customers, but they can be an important part of your business’s success if they know what it takes to get customers to come back again and again.
Can Appointment Setters Bring Me Customers? Yes, setting up appointments does work, and the person doing it should have three things: a compelling value proposition, an attractive offer or package that makes the customer stand out from competitors with similar products or services, and a good follow up by phone or email after each contact. The job of an appointment setter is not to sell anything themselves, but to help salespeople set up meetings they couldn’t do on their own. A good person who sets up appointments will make sure that each potential client gets the same care and attention.
Appointment Setters can be a big part of a business’s success if they know how to get people to come back again and again.

Appointment setters like cold calling because it’s the most reliable way to get a meeting. As long as you keep at it, it will always work out. Calling companies can be hard, but if you do your research first, everything should be easier.
– Find out who at the company is in charge of setting up meetings before you start calling them. If you can, get their direct phone number so that you don’t have to wait when you call them directly to make an appointment. Make sure they are open to getting calls from people who want to set up appointments, or this could be a waste of time. The good news is that receptionists are often trained to handle these kinds of requests, so they will know how to put the caller through faster.
Don’t give up if you get someone on the phone who isn’t in charge of making appointments. You should always ask to talk to their boss or manager so they can take your meeting request and send it up for approval.
The best times to call are Monday through Thursday between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. EST, when there aren’t many other people trying to make appointments. Calling outside of these times will also make a cold call harder, since many people would rather leave work at 5 p.m. than stay an extra hour to set up an appointment. Still, if you know this person won’t answer the phone during lunch, don’t be afraid to call. It may help them see why it’s worth their time to meet with you.
– Ask about the meeting and who is setting it up. A lot of appointments aren’t taken, so don’t be afraid to ask if they’re still open.
– Don’t be too pushy when you ask for a time. This could make them less open or even start to put pressure on themselves if they can’t find a time right away that works for them. It may take a few back-and-forths before both people feel comfortable enough to agree on a time for an appointment, but once they do, you can hang up feeling good about how the call went.
If these tips don’t work, you can always try emailing companies through LinkedIn, making appointments through social media, or even just showing up in person to see if you can make an appointment that way.
If you can’t set up a meeting because the prospect doesn’t have any free time or doesn’t like cold calls, don’t give up without trying other things first!